A pay stub, also known as a paycheck stub or pay slip, is the document that itemizes how much employees are paid. You will receive a pay stub for each pay period. It shows your total earnings for the pay period, deductions from the total, and your net pay after deductions.
When employees are paid with a paper check, the pay stub will be attached to the paycheck. If employees are paid by direct deposit to their bank account, the pay slip should be available online to print if a paper copy isn't provided by the employer.
free check stubs are of two type. simple and advanced. Make Free printable pay stubs online
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A pay stub also known as a paycheck stub or pay slip is a document, which is generally given to the employees along with their paycheck attached to it on their payday. If you have questions about any of the items on your pay slip or want to create pay stubs, just go a reputed pay-stubs generator website.
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Check stubs generator post.
free pay stubs include basic details, working hours, tax deduction and other details.
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